Home: WARD 16, PLOT 30 EMPYREUM.|We are active and friendly with a strong sense of camaraderie. No matter what you need, from crafted items to help with end-game content, we are always there for each other. We spend days on end helping others unlock content and grind for mounts, titles and achievements.We are currently obsessed with treasure hunting and wearing matching outfits. We often plan events to keep us occupied and bonded in betwixt patch releases.I can't say we are the strongest FC, nor the biggest. But if you are looking for something kind, peaceful and with a hint of love- perhaps you'd enjoy yourself with us."An endling is the last known individual of a species or subspecies.
Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct."
With this concept in mind, I wanted to make an FC that prizes itself on the uniqueness of all it's FC members.Disclaimer: Endlings are prone to degenerate humor.